Applied Cinematics' work performed for 2k/TRS EVOLVE

Monster Rigging - Rigging of monsters, including picker tool custom made for each character.

Wraith: 4 arms, 2 hooks, 3 tails, and a whole lot of animation controls - The wraith had several fun challenges in regards to making animation as simple as possible for a character with as many appendages.

Rocky(DLC character): Rockys' main rig challenge was in dealing with the rocks coating his entire body. 

FaceFX - Rigging and setup for all the Merc's faces:

- face rigging setup, skin weighting, and facial pose/phoneme creation.

- dialog solving of 1000's of lines across 6 languages (french, italian, german, spanish, english, russian)

- python scripting for automation of algorythmic smoothing of animation curves.